
Monday, October 28, 2013

Magic Marble Monday - Soap Dish

I have been showing you some things that my daughter and I have done with Magic Marble Swirling Paints over the last couple of weeks
Click HERE to see them all

For today's project I want to show you how you can use Magic Marble to decorate your bathroom

First, we went to the Dollar Store and purchased a plain white soap dispenser and a plain white soap dish.
Next, we put green, yellow and light blue Magic Marble swirling paints into a bucket of water . . . then we just lowered the items into the water.

Here is how the soap dispenser turned out

and the soap dish looks like this

I love how even though we used the same colors, these turned out completely different!

To see all of the projects we have done with Magic Marble click HERE

If you want to check out this product yourself, you can go to their website by clicking HERE.
Check out their Facebook Page HERE
(tell them Shawn Mosch sent you)

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