
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Connecting with other Bloggers

I love the crafting blogging world!  Because of a post on another blog yesterday, I discovered a listing of blogs of some very talented ladies.  I started to go through that list one by one to visit each ladies blog, see her work and leave a comment.  Well, one of those ladies had done Monster Google Eye Jewelry Project that I thought was SO CUTE!  Click HERE to see the post.

In my comment I mentioned that I thought a Mike Wazowski version of that necklace would be fun to make 
(you know me, my mind ALWAYS goes to Disney)
Well, she contacted me and she made one!
So click HERE to see the Mike Wazowski version of this necklace.

I love that we as bloggers can share what we do, connect with each other and inspire each other. And now I know another blogger that loves crafts and Disney.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you about how friendly and generous craft bloggers are! In just the few months I've been blogging, I've made so many lovely new friends around the world.
    To tie with a Disney theme....It's a Small World After All!!
    Queen Bee Paper Crafts
    My Blog Candy
