
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

New Watermark

I am so excited about this post!  I get to show off my NEW WATERMARK!
For quite a while I have felt like my old watermark did not look very "professional".  I am not a graphic artist, so I did not feel like I had the ability to make something better than what I had . . . and all of the places I saw that would make the watermarks for you just seemed like too much money to invest on a watermark for a crafting blog . . . and then I saw Genny's site

My new watermark only cost me $2!!!!
And if you want a more custom watermark those start at $10

Okay, and now to unveil my new watermark

What do you think?
You will have to stay tuned to find out what the project under the watermark is all about.

Thank you Genny for your work on this.  If you would like Genny to create a watermark for you, you can visit her blog to see all of the ones she has and to contact her to create your own by clicking on her button in this post.  Tell her Shawn sent you!

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