
Monday, September 16, 2013

Magic Marble Monday - Fabric Flowers

At the CHA Create n Connect in Vegas my daughter discovered the Magic Marble product.  We have since purchased some for ourselves and had some fun dipping different things into the paint to watch the magic happen.  To see all of the projects we have done with Magic Marble, click HERE.

For today's project I want to show you what happened when we dipped plain white flowers . . . like the ones you can find at craft stores or at the dollar store.  We had swirled the yellow and red paint into the bucket . . . lowered the flowers into the water and . . . 

I was amazed at how great these looked!
Wouldn't this be fun to do in school colors, or team colors.
Or what about for a DIY wedding

If you want to check out this product yourself, you can go to their website by clicking HERE.
Check out their Facebook Page HERE
(tell them Shawn Mosch sent you)

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