
Monday, August 6, 2012

Crafters help crafters . . . that is just what we do

About a year ago I became internet friends with a lady named Claire.  I saw some of her crafting work on Facebook and told her that she needed to start a blog so that she could share her beautiful crafts with even more people.  I think she was a little nervous about the idea of starting a blog at first, but I helped her along with some "Blogging 101" lessons.  I even turned some of our lessons into blog posts on MY BLOG to encourage other crafters to start a blog.  (you can find some of them HERE and HERE)

Well, Claire is now celebrating ONE YEAR of having her blog!

She is having a contest on her blog to celebrate, and I would LOVE IT if you would go over and check out her blog, the crafts she has created and enter her contest.

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