
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Another case of crafters helping crafters!

Just the other day I did a blog post talking about someone that I helped when she was first starting her crafting blog . . . and I talked about how that is JUST what crafters do . . . we help each other out!

As I was reading the blogs I follow I saw another case of a crafter helping another crafter out.  This one came in the form of a comment posted on Above Rubies Studio.  For those of you that don't follow Megan's blog (is there anyone out there that doesn't!?!?!) let me fill you in on some things going on right now.  She has had TERRIBLE problems with her front teeth . . . long story . . . and she actually did a blog post about the specifics of what happened and why she needed to have surgery.  Click HERE to go to Megan's post about the teeth story.

Megan's blog has been #1 on the Cricut Top 40, she creates videos to teach all of us how to use new products and create even more amazing things, brings us updates from the Craft and Hobby Association Events (she was at the most recent CHA just a matter of days before having surgery) and she creates amazing products for us to use in our crafting projects . . . she does all of this while she is suffering through this TERRIBLE situation with her teeth.  Really, I should never complain again that I cannot get something posted on my blog because I am too busy. 

So when I read this comment on Megan's blog from Elizabeth Morris I knew I just HAD to help spread this GREAT idea!

Elizabeth Morris

August 7, 2012 at 2:05 pm

It’s completely amazing to me that Megan is going through this incredibly painful and, frankly, emotional ordeal and yet STILL has time to posts these tutorials and such. Her desire to keep inspiring us through this and want to help those with similar problems I think is just another testament to her Faith in GOD and his mission for her on earth.

Dental issues are rarely covered by insurance and problems this large cost tens of thousands of dollars. I can only imagine how this is affecting her dialy life, emotional state without the added worries of how she is going toi pay for it. While I am sure that cards and trinkets are welcome, I have no doubt she could really use some financial help. You know she would never let on if she did. Imagine if everyone of her followers here and on FB sent $5 to her paypal account ( She could wake up tomorrow and know her teeth are paid for. For everything she does for us, a simple $5 (lets face it you probably spent that much making a card with postage) could change her life right now. I myself am sending $20 but even $1 is great. I’m sure that anything over what she needs will be used to help others (she could start that fund!!). This could be the start of something HUGE!.

Imagine Megan Waking Up tomorrow with her paypal full of $5 gifts and knowing she will be SMILING for us soon!! Let’s Do this tonight!! We call ourselves a crafting “community”. One of our own needs our help! Lets Give Back!!
Elizabeth . . . you are so right!  For the price of a cup of coffee or the supplies to create and mail Megan a card we could do something that could REALLY make a difference!

I encourage every person who has ever been inspired by Megan, watched her videos to learn something new or loves her products to please join in this and help Megan with all that she is dealing with right now.


  1. Awesome! I sent my gift! I hope that everyone reads this sends one too! Megan has inspired me to blog and craft and be a better person!


  2. I have been following Megan for years and have great empathy for what she is going thru as today I got the news that I too will be going down the road Megan is traveling. Dental work ie oral surgery and implants are very expensive and with no insurance it is a major financial burden. My estimate today was $8,148.00. I am thankful for siblings that are allowing me to borrow from them. I know Megan will appreciate any money you donate. Will continue to pray for you Megan.

  3. You're the BEST, Shawn, for posting this. We often forget how much even the gesture of caring enough to send even a little bit can mean ... and how goodwill mounts. I'm off to PayPal to send a little glitter to the sparkle that I see in Megan's smile, no matter how much pain she's been in since the horrifying accident that has changed her life (eek!) on her wedding night. I just cannot imagine all she's going through, even though I've been my own trials too.

    Megan, if you're reading this, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as you venture on these next steps to finalizing your NEW beautiful smile. Remember that a true smile starts from within, and even when we didn't see your teeth, we always have heard you smiling. :) You are loved, and you are blessed.


    Ellen ♥ CardMonkey

  4. I sent a gift last week and I hope everyone will just give a little for the tremendous job Megan does for all us crafters. We all need to stick together and help each other out, so please consider making a donation to her pay pal account. I promise you will not miss the money and its just great to pay it forward.
