
Monday, July 16, 2012

My Memories Digital Scrapbooking

I used the software to create several books recently . . . a yearbook for my daughter's hockey team, a memorial scrapbook for a family that lost a child, and a Father's Day gift book with pictures of my daughter . . . and I really love how easy it is to use!  I created the entire scrapbook in just a couple of days, or with the example of the team yearbook I was able to mass produce the books so each girl could have their own.

One thing I really like is that there are free kits that you can download.  I check the My Memories site every few weeks to see what new items have been added to the Free section and download anything that I like.  If I am not using it for a project NOW I might use it later, and you might as well get it while it is free.

Would you like to give digital scrapbooking a try?  
If you use the code 


you can get $10 off the My Memories software! 
Just go to to download the software and then you can start looking at the free kits and papers so that you can create your own digital scrapbooks too.

1 comment:

  1. That is such a clever idea to make a year book for all the girls with your scrapbooking skills. Now I want to try that for my sister's dance company. Thank you for the idea!
