
Thursday, November 21, 2013


I just wanted to update people on some things.  I have been SUPER BUSY getting ready for the Craft and Hobby Trade Association Mega Show in Anaheim, California.  I will be working in The Buckle Boutique booth (Booth #2325)  If you will be at the show I would LOVE IT if you would stop by and say Hello!  I have some new projects for the booth display that I am working on.  I cannot wait to share them with you!  If you would like to see projects I have created using The Buckle Boutique's products, click HERE.

Besides working with The Buckle Boutique, I have been busy working with Craffiti Direct to showcase their new stamps . . . and of course I am extra happy that one of the sets was designed by my son, Thomas Mosch.  He also created our logo for the website.  Stay tuned to see new projects created with these stamps . . . and maybe even some new stamp sets from my son.  If you would like to see all of the projects I have created with Craffiti Direct's stamps you can click HERE.

I have also been doing Magic Marble Mondays.  If you have not heard of Magic Marble, it is a swirling paint . . . drop the colors you like into a bucket of water and then dip an item into it that water for instant swirls of color!  To see projects I have created using Magic Marble, you can click HERE.

One company that you have heard me talk about a lot in the past year is Square 1 Masterpiece.  Before using Square 1, I had only used traditional vinyl a couple of times and the idea of a repositionable vinyl sounded great to me.  And add to that the fact that they also had a printable product that you could customize with your own images and patterns . . . well, I had NEVER heard of anything like that before!  I still think the idea of a product I can print on and stick to things without worry of damaging the surface is great, but I have since found out that their are other companies that create a product like this.

Well, as with any master plan, things change along the way.  This is true with Square 1's master plan also.  A year ago I saw myself as being a very large contributing part of that master plan, but that is no longer the case.  I wanted to be honest with all of you that follow me and come to me for tips and advice.  I am no longer working with Square 1 Masterpiece.  I may still use the product, when it fits for the projects I am using, but it may not be the only vinyl I use.

Oh, and I forgot to mention . . . Mark your calendars because The Buckle Boutique's Design Team will be having a big event next week!  We will be showing you holiday projects with rhinestones, sparkle and BLING!  And we have a special surprise for all of you to kick off the Holiday Shopping Season!  If you would like to get a reminder on Facebook about this event, click HERE to join the event page!


  1. So excited to see what you made for CHA!!! You are a super busy girl and I am glad to see you moving in a direction that is good for you :)

  2. Hello,
    I know this eentry is about a year ago but I want to ask if you are referring to their vinyl or printableprintable fabric. Have been searching for printable vinyls. Hope you can suggest Where else I can get it.

    Than you

    1. Sweetsurely113 . . . I have a couple of printable products that I want to test out, but we just moved so I have not had time as of yet. Keep checking my blog for updates. When I DO have time to test out printable products I will be posting it here.
