
Monday, November 25, 2013

Magic Marble Monday - Christmas Ornaments!

Thanks for joining us for another Magic Marble Monday!  What is Magic Marble?  It is a paint that you can use to decorate SO MANY THINGS!  If you want to see all of the things my daughter and I have been decorating, just click HERE.  The paint is easy to use . . . start with a bucket of water, pick the colors you like, put a few drops of each color in the bucket, use a stick to swirl the colors together and then just dip the item you are decorating into the water . . . that is it!  The paint really does the work for you.  It starts to swirl itself before you even run the stick through it . . . sometimes you don't need to really use the stick that much.

For today's project my daughter and I wanted to try making a Magic Marble version of the swirled paint Christmas ornaments that are so popular right now.  Ironically, the same day we thought of doing this project, my sister-in-law sent me a photo of some paint swirled Christmas ornaments and said "You should try this with the Magic Marble paint!"

I purchased a box of ornaments from the Dollar Store, and I have to tell you that at first I just tried to dip them right out of the box . . . that did not work well, so I quickly rinsed off the paint, dried off the ornament and did some research.  That is when I found out that Magic Marble actually recommends you prime a surface for the best results.

Learn from my mistakes!

So I grabbed the primer and put a thin coat on all of the ornaments, allowed it to dry and then we started again.  We decided to make the first batch to send to my sister-in-law as a gift, and we knew she decorated in blues, greens and purples for the holidays.

We added the paint to the water from darkest to lightest . . . the purple, then the teal blue, and last the metallic silver.  We thought the silver would give them a nice shimmer . . . and it did!

We put a safety pin through the loop on the top of the ornament so that after we took it out of the paint we could clip the safety pin to a hanger and then hang all of the ornaments in the laundry room to dry.

I just love how even though we used the same colors for all of these ornaments, each one looks completely different!

To see other projects I have made with Magic Marble swirling paints you can click HERE.  I have provide product and company links below.  Make sure to tell them Shawn sent you!

Magic Marble Website //  Facebook  // Pinterest  //  YouTube

1 comment:

  1. They're beautiful! I love the color combination you chose.
