
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Do it Yourself Bow Maker

I have seen lots of bow makers online, and for the most part they consist of something to hold the loops of ribbon steady for you and a way to space out those holders to change the size of the bows.  I didn't make a LOT of bows in the past, so I have never purchased a bow maker . . . but now I seem to be making more of them.  I needed something "in a pinch" that would work and here is what I came up with.

I taped two plastic forks to the work surface in my craft room.  I can tape them farther apart if I want to make a larger bow.

Then I started looping the ribbon around the tines of the fork.

Criss-cross the end of the ribbon and tie a knot.

Slide the whole thing off the forks, and there is your bow.  I know, it is still not the prettiest bow ever, but this method did help me to hold things in place while I worked.

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