
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Buckle Boutique

I was SO PROUD to have cards that I created on display in The Buckle Boutique's booth at CHA this year.  The two Christmas tree cards (top half of the window frame type display) are the ones that I created.
Here is a closer picture.

They even had a couple of my cards on the hand out that they were giving to people that visited their booth.  I was SO HONORED to have MY WORK representing their WONDERFUL product!
With Valentine's Day coming, I have some plans to make some MORE cards with their amazing Dazzling Diamonds cuttable rhinestone sheets.
Here is a link to a video on their YouTube Page
Their Pinterest Page
Their Facebook Page
Even Twitter
and their main Website
Make sure to tell them that Shawn sent you!


  1. Nice blog, I found you on LinkedIn

  2. Well, how cool is that! Congrats on your cards being displayed at CHA. Woohoo!
