
Monday, January 28, 2013

Hanging out with Megan at CHA

I had a lot of fun at the Craft and Hobby Association Trade Show in Anaheim California.  This was my FIRST TIME ever attending CHA, so I had no idea what to expect.  I could not believe how much there was to see and do!  I feel like I didn't have enough time to see it all!

I was roommates with Megan from Above Rubies Studio.
After listening to her edit and upload her parody of Gangum Style that she titled Crafter's Style I was having dreams with that song in my head all night!

Did you know that Megan broke her toe the week before CHA?  We had gone to Target to get a few things for the room, and she picked up some comfy slippers with sequins on them . . . even in pain she needs her bling!  Her poor toe was hurting so bad that when we left Target I said 
"Let the Taxi cab gods smile down on us and send a cab this way"
Just then we looked to the right and what do you know . . . a cab was pulling into the Target parking lot!
I flagged him down and he was nice enough to drive us right to the door of our hotel room . . . we were WAY in the back of the lot, so dropping us at the lobby would have been a long walk for Megan and her sore foot.  Well, my "mommy" instincts kicked in and  once we were back in the room I had her put her foot up while I ran to the ice machine and filled a plastic bag with ice to try and keep the swelling down.  

I was glad to have someone to hang out with and show me around.  I would have been so lonely going back to a hotel room by myself, so it was nice to have a roommate and dinner companion.  I guess there was a family that was in the room above us that was really loud . . . thanks to my sleep apnea the ONLY night that I heard them was the night that I was still awake when they got back to the room.  

I hope to show off some more pictures from CHA on my blog really soon.  And I want to try projects with all of the ideas that I saw.  I might just save SOME of the pictures from CHA to show you my inspiration when I post the projects I make.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch for Megan! I bet you guys had a great time though!
