
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Why did the turkey cross the road?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Today I want to share a card I made for my sister, but first I have to give you a little "back story" on how this card came to be.  My Grandfather was known for his bad jokes . . . I mean REALLY BAD JOKES.  When I was in college he used to send me cards with really bad jokes in them, and soon other people in my dorm were even looking forward to seeing what joke would come next on a card from Grandpa.  My Grandfather continued this tradition with my youngest sister, and after my Grandfather passed away this summer my sister decided to try and keep the tradition going with my children.  They both received Halloween cards with a pun joke in them.

So my daughter sent this card that I made with the turkey cut from Celebrate with Flourish to her Aunt.  

The outside of the card reads
"Why did the turkey cross the road?"

and on the inside it says . . 

"Because it was the chicken's day off"

I know . . . BAD!  But I can almost hear my Grandpa laughing as I read it now.  
Just keeping the family tradition alive!

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. What a great tradition...although even I enjoy a good pun :) Pretty card! Lee-Ann
