
Friday, August 24, 2012

Helping others through scrapbooking

If there was a way for you to help someone else out AND enjoy your favorite hobby at the same time, would you do it?  This is just what was presented to me the other night . . .

Joel Wigstadt is in kidney failure. Joel is the son of the daycare director at the daycare my daughter has gone to since she was 3 years old . . . but his mother has become so much more than that to our family . . . she is a dear, dear friend.

The other night there was a concert event at the daycare that was called Jammin For Joel.  There were desserts and live music, and everyone could show their love and support for Joel and his family.  We were able to leave a donation to help them out with the medical expenses.

Then I saw a flyer on one of the tables . . . Scrapbooking for Joel

Well that grabbed my attention!

Joel's aunt is a Creative Memories Consultant, and from now until October 15th, 2012 she will be giving 30% of all Creative Memories sales made through her directly to helping Joel with his medical expenses.  Even if you have a Creative Memories Consultant that you normally order from, I am asking you to help Joel out and order any supplies you need between now and October 15th from his aunt.

Her site is at 

Let's help him fund his current dialysis process and future kidney transplant with our crafting!

1 comment:

  1. That is a really nice thing she is going for a great/fantastic cause. My grandfather battled renal failure for years and he finally lost his battle Christmas Day 2010. I will pass this information along to some of my crafty friends who purchase CM products.

    Thanks for sharing.
