
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Where do YOU find inspiration?

I was thinking about this the other day . . . all of the different places that I go for inspiration for my crafting projects.

We look at what others create.  Now, that USED to mean looking at other people's scrapbooks at crops, or the cards they sent us in the mail, but now thanks to the internet, message boards, blogs, Facebook and Pinterest we can sit in our pajama's drinking coffee and spend hours (yes, sometimes way TOO MUCH time) looking at what others have created to inspire our own crafting projects.

Page Maps and Sketches are another source of inspiration for me.  I love how they give you a basic guide or idea of how to lay things out, and then YOU get to add your own personal touch with the colors and patterns you choose.  Here is an example of a Page Map.

See how they show you a completed scrapbook layout in the main image, but in the upper right hand corner there is a smaller sketch style image that breaks the layout down to it's basic shapes and pieces.  Below is a scrapbook layout that I created after looking at this Page Map.

Not "exactly" the same as the Page Map, but you can see where the inspiration came from.

Another place that I find inspiration is from magazines, watching crafting shows and DVD's.  Above Rubies Studio has some GREAT DVD's!  
I have been watching some of the ones for stamping and for the Cricut . . . and even one for the Imagine . . . and I don't even OWN an Imagine!  Why would I watch a DVD for a machine I don't own?  For the ideas and inspiration of course!  I skip over the sections about how to set up the Imagine and go RIGHT TO the projects!
I have a notepad where I will take notes on each project Megan demonstrates and draw a little sketch of the finished project so I can use them for inspiration.  Like I said, since I don't own an Imagine I cannot cut and print the exact same project she creates, but I can use her ideas as inspiration . . . maybe using similar colors, shapes or overall layout.
Here is a card I made after watching the 1 2 3 Stamp DVD

When I first saw the technique that Megan used on the DVD I thought "sure, she makes it look so easy" and I thought that my project would never come out that good . . . but I was wrong!  It was so easy I know I will be using this tip again! What was the tip?  If I told you THAT you won't need Megan's DVD!  It is less than $15 at her store . . . and this is just ONE of the things you will learn.

We can also find inspiration in everyday things.  Take this for example

I see a fun pattern for the background of a card.  Or use one column from this as a border for a scrapbook.  Want to know what it REALLY is?  My shower curtain!  

Or how about this . . . 

When I first saw this pattern I thought "I HAVE to use that pattern on a project!!!!"  It could even be a good way to use up some scraps . . . can anyone else see changing each one of those teardrop shapes into a heart and then using that as a pattern on a card?  Want to know what it REALLY is?  It is the pattern on the outside of a box of tissues!  Not even a "decorator" style box . . . just the ordinary every day (probably in a 6 pack from Sam's Club) box of Puffs tissues!

I hope you see my point . . . inspiration can come from ANYWHERE!  You just have to be willing to open your eyes to it!

Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

  1. So true Shawn! I love being able to find inspiration from so many places. And now that we can be in touch with so many fellow crafters, we can all inspire each other too!
