
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

some updates . . .

You know how you feel the day after you come home from a great vacation?  Sort of like you need one more day to recover from the vacation before you jump back into work.  That is always how I feel after a Disney Pixar Blog Hop!  They are SO MUCH FUN, but I feel like I need a day or two to get back into the groove of the week.

Winners from the weekend hops will be announced later on today . . . sorry, I have been so busy I have not had time to pick the winners yet.

Speaking of being busy, I thought I would take this time to let all of you know that my blog post might become a little more sporadic.  I have been updating my blog DAILY for well over a year now, which is a pretty amazing feet if you ask me, but my life is getting busier.  Here is just a few things I am doing . . .

I have a new daytime job that has a longer commute, so the time I spend in the car each day has more than tripled!

It is hockey season, and I love to watch my daughter play, so the time I used to spend on the weekends crafting is now spent in the ice arena.

I volunteered to make the yearbooks for my daughter's hockey team this year.  (What was I thinking!) And since I don't want to do 12 "traditional" scrapbooks I have been trying to learn digital scrapbooking.  This leaves less time for my own personal crafting projects, but as I learn I may be able to share tips with you on digital scrapbooking.

I am on the Design Team for Getting Cricky so I am always thinking of ideas for new cards and projects featuring the wonderful stamps that Kristal makes.

As many of you know, I have agreed to work with Megan and Sean of Above Rubies Studio as the ARS Affiliate Program Success Coach.  (Just the TITLE is a mouthful!)  I will be sharing marketing tips, training videos and information to help make the ARS Affiliate Program a success for everyone involved!

So if you don't see me posting here or on Facebook daily, this is why.  I am still here, but my personal crafting might take a back seat while I get into the groove for all of the things I am doing.  Once I settle into a few things and become more comfortable in some of my new roles I know that things will become easier and I will have more time for my own crafting and blogging again.


  1. Shawn, how exiting. What a journey you have been on. Best of luck and loads of blessings to you. I am sure I speak for a lot of others when I say, take time for you! We will all be here when you get "back in the groove". I am a newbie digi scrapbooker and will await any pointers and tips you may have to offer!

  2. Shawn, I'm so glad you have a new job, but I know how busy it can get with a full-time job (and commute -- I can relate) and family, etc., etc. You are one busy woman! Love your blog and will continue to keep checking in on it. I just got a digital scrapbook program that I downloaded and have not even looked at yet, so I look forward to any tips and tricks you may post here. God bless you. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Thanks for all you do with your blog! There is so much to see on the web, if anyone complains about the lack of content on your blog just send them over to Pinterest which has an endless supply of ideas and time goes very quickly!

  4. Whoaaaaa, Shawn! After reading everything that you'll be busy doin' ---- you literally pooped me out!!! I have to go and rest, now. LOL ;-)

    Wowsers! You certainly are a busy li'l beaver! But that's what life is all about:- enjoying it to the fullest!! :-)

    Do make sure you take some time for "yourself", tho, whether it be crafting or just a lonnnnng bubble bath! :-)
