
Monday, May 30, 2011


I am not usually the type to do two blog posts in one day, but I am just so happy!  As of 5:45pm Central time is 100% updated!  Every handbook that is available, including the Imagine ones, are up on the site!  I have a special tip planned for all of you Imagine owners tomorrow!

Now I can relax and work on my own crafts, until the new handbooks are released.  I want to try and stay on top of things, and my master plan is that with each Hello Thursday I will start the process of adding the newly announced cartridges to the site.  If there are only a few new cartridges I should be able to do those in a weekend (unless we have a big soccer or hockey tournament!)

Thank you to all of you for waiting while I got things updated!


  1. You're amazing! My Cut Search is amazing! I use it all the time. So thankful that you do this for all the Cricut users. And I'm glad you're happy! Thanks for all you do!--Pat N.

  2. This is where a "LIKE" button (like on Facebook) would come in real handy. Congratulations, Way to Go & Thank you!
